Saturday, October 24, 2015

Level 2 Awaits

As stated on Facebook, all characters (save Selvarius) are about 400 XP away from leveling up.  That being said, I foresee this taking place soon.

Given our pace of play (and insider knowledge as GM), we may not need to worry about this until after next session proper.  Should level advancement take place mid-game session though, here is the gist of it (see pg. 26):

1) Your character's Health increases by 1d6 + Constitution ability.
(Magical characters also increase MP by 1d6 + Willpower ability.)

2) You get one advancement to spend on one primary ability, meaning:

For Mages (Lily & Zarra):
Increase your Accuracy, Interlligence, Perception, or Willpower ability score by 1.

For Rogues (Meg & Vi):
Increase your Accuracy, Communication, Dexterity, or Perception ability score by 1.

For Warriors (Durgash, Elemenopi, & Renbar):
Increase your Constitution, Dexterity, Fighting, or Strength ability score by 1.

3) Pick one new ability focus in one of your primary abilities (see above).  The focuses are as follows (see pg. 10):

Accuracy: Arcane Blast, Bows, Black Powder, Brawling, Dueling, Grenades, Light Blades, Staves
Communication: Animal Handling, Bargaining, Deception, Disguise, Etiquette, Gambling, Investigation, Leadership, Performance, Persuasion, Seduction
Constitution: Drinking, Rowing, Running, Stamina, Swimming
Dexterity: Acrobatics, Calligraphy, Crafting, Initiative, Legerdemain, Lock Picking, Riding, Sailing, Stealth, Traps
Fighting: Axes, Bludgeons, Heavy Blades, Lances, Polearms, Spears
Interlligence: Arcane Lore (Various), Brewing, Cartography, Cryptography, Cultural Lore, Engineering, Evaluation, Healing, Heraldry, Historical Lore, Military Lore, Musical Lore, Natural Lore, Navigation, Religious Lore, Research, Writing
Perception: Empathy, Hearing, Searching, Seeing Smelling, Tasting, Tracking, Touching
Strength: Climbing, Driving, Intimidation, Jumping, Might, Smithing
Willpower: Courage, Faith, Morale, Self-Discipline

4) Finally, there is a Class Power you gain specific to your class:

For Mages (Lily & Zarra): You become a Novice in a new talent or gain a degree in a talent you already have (non-magical only, I believe).

Talents include: Alchemy, Animal Training, Armor Training, Archery Style, Carousing, Chirurgy, Command, Contacts, Dual Weapon Style, Horsemanship, Intrigue, Linguistics, Lore, Mounted Combat Style, Music, Observation, Oratory, Pole Weapon Style, Quick Reflexes, Scouting, Single Weapon Style, Thievery, Thrown Weapon Style, Two-Hander Style, Unarmed Style, Weapon and Shield Style.*

*some restrictions apply; see GM for details...or pgs. 42-47

For Rogues (Meg & Vi): You become more adept at finding the weak spots in your opponents' armor. You can perform the Pierce Armor stunt for 1 SP instead of the usual 2.

For Warriors (Durgash, Elemenopi, & Renbar): You gain one of the following ability focuses: Dexterity (Riding), Intelligence (Military Lore), or Strength (Climbing)

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