Saturday, August 8, 2015

Roll a Calendar Check

(TL:DR, check calendars for a game date to begin our adventure, please!) :-)

Okay folks, I've been able to piece together the time needed to draft the first adventure or so for PMG-LLC.  If you haven't already, take a look at your character bios here, first to ensure its accuracy, and second to approve of names/spellings, etc.

If you've not done so already, do try to share with your friendly neighborhood GM any secrets you may have either about yourself or that you know about another party member.  For those having trouble, consider this alternative: what character flaw(s) does your character possess?  Does (s)he follow a creed to a fault, foregoing better judgment, or can't help but try to snatch any shiny things in sight?  Maybe (s)he never backs down from a fight...or betting on one!  You can use your character sheet and stats to help inform this choice.  Perhaps a 0 Communication means that the your character has no filter and will speak his/her mind at the worst possible time.  Or a low Willpower score means your character is incredibly impulsive.

(Dan & Cortney, we can send you stats/character sheets for this purpose.)

Four of us will be occupied with church day camp activities, so this week might not be the wisest choice to begin playing (although the end of it may pan out potentially).  Philly crowd, I'd like to have a technical rehearsal to ensure that Skype or Roll20 will work for our situation.

Anywho, please check your calendars and see when in the near future it'd be a good time to schedule our first game day.

Your friendly neighborhood GM,

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